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7 Tips for Amazing Business Presentations
In this video, I delve into creating amazing business presentations with seven valuable tips. Understand your audience, craft a focused...
How to Manage Expectations at Work
How do you define success for yourself at work? Is it making a lot of money, having a great work/life balance, getting promoted, doing...
Episode 1: How to Start a New Job Off Strong
This was my first Sam’s Career Talk video. I posted it five years ago, when my brown-to-gray hair ratio was still under control. Sigh......
Improving Your Work-Life Balance
People seem to be shying away from the term “work-life balance” in favor of newer terms like “work-life integration.” I’m not a fan. I...
Finding Your Career Passion
The fake definition of "find your career passion": Do something you enjoy. The real definition of "find your career passion": Do...
How to be Influential Beyond Your Job Title
I've always been interested in those who wield a lot of influence at work. In this video I (and my kids) talk about my observations of...
How to Find The Work You Were Meant to Do
A framework to find what you are meant to do, will enjoy doing, and that your organization will value.
When You Lose Control of Your Face in a Meeting
Facial expressions speak louder than words. How to control your face in meetings.
5 Tips for Navigating a Layoff
I have not been laid off in 2023 (at least not yet), so I admit that any commentary I make about the current layoff situation could be...
3 Ways to Separate Yourself in a Job Interview
Three easy ways to stand out in your next job interview. I’ve found these three things to be very high ROI—they don’t take a ton of extra...
Followership: How to Master an Underrated Career Skill
If you run an Amazon search of “leadership,” you’ll get over 60,000 book titles. If you do the same thing for “followership,” you’ll get...
How good managers command respect from their people
Many managers—especially new ones—believe that the key to being a good boss is to be likeable. Why, then, are so many people both...
My Post Vacation Clarity on Work
Folks, I’m back from my annual pilgrimage to the Montana and Idaho mountains. Every year when I return, I do so with renewed perspective...
New graduates, for the love, "follow your passion" is not a sound career strategy
Yeah, I know commencement speeches abound with thoughts of defying consensus and following your dreams. Then, there is that quote often...
Are You Giving Up Your Power At Work?
Few things make employees more anxious than feeling powerless to control their destinies. The irony of this is that no one can take away...
Why Fixing Your Weaknesses Is a Terrible Career Strategy
The great American poet, Ke$ha, once said, “We R who we R.” Grammatical critiques aside, the woman has a point! You come hard-wired with...
The Four R's of a Great Resume
When I was in business school, I spent a ridiculous amount of time working on my resume. In search of perfection, I wrestled with trivial...
Don't Let Evil Bosses Ruin You
Some bosses are evil. And I’m using the word evil like Mike Meyers would use it: “E-vil. Like, the fru-its of the De-vil.” That’s some...
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